Stone Repair Case Study
Masonry Stone Repairs, South London A variety of Masonry Stone repairs to various heads, cills, etc, on numerous properties around this major housing developer site in South London. Most of the damage had been caused through general construction. |
Stone Repair Case Study
Frankie and Benny's, Lincolnshire A comprehensive Building Facade restoration of this Grade II listed building in central London. The brickwork refurbishment included repairs to brickwork, architectural masonry stone, and a sensitive clean of the ageing brickwork... |
Brick Repair Case Study
Building facade Renovation, London A comprehensive Building Facade restoration of this Grade II listed building in central London. The brickwork refurbishment included repairs to brickwork, architectural masonry stone, and a sensitive clean of the ageing brickwork... |
Stone Rebuild Case Study
Ashlar Stone Recreation, Birmingham We recreated the look (and feel) of real Masonry Ashlar Stone for this commercial new build in Birmingham, enabling the look of Ashlar Stone cills to be created but at a much cheaper cost and avoiding extensive lead times and build issues on site. |
Stone Repair Case Study
Stone Repair and Renovation, Manchester We were tasked with renovating the natural stone cills, heads, and surrounds on this large renovation project in central Manchester. We recreated the look specified by the client, at a much cheaper cost than replacing. |