Brickwork Renovation,
Lalit Hotel, Tooley Street, London
181 Tooley Street next door to Tower Bridge in the heart of London was the old St Olave's School, an iconic Grade II listed building.
Throughout 2016 and into 2017 it underwent a conversion into the new prestigious 5 Star Lalit Hotel. Remedial Repair were involved in the renovation of the building facade including a sensitive clean of the brick and stone, brick and stone repairs, and brick/mortar tinting. We undertook a series of remedial works towards the end of the refurbishment project including a masonry stone and USP seal, brick, stone and mortar repair. |
The building is grade 2 listed and the we had renovate the brickwork to an agreed and specified level that would refurbish the facade yet still maintain the building facade as naturally reminiscent of a building of its type in central London.
Repairs were carried out on bricks that fell below the specified level of acceptable weathering and natural ageing. The result is a building facade that fits the area and the building as it should look at this point in its life, yet looking refreshed and renovated. |